Dancin' fools
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People pictured: Becky, Damian
Picture 14 of 19
Nicki hosted a Christmas party at her house Byron, this is a party - stop playing with the cat! Christina, Byron, and Robin Bene is ambushed by sharpshooter Allison Now attacked from three sides Motorolans always get excited when being kissed Group photo op Chef Andy Miehl Nicki's party was in part to bid farewell to Bene who is heading off to Spain holla We Want Prenup Byron and Andy are always drawn to the Gee-Tar Phillip was confused and started drinking from his squirt gun Becky and Damian Gonzalez Dancin' fools Nicki did a great job preparing food and getting the house ready for the party Nicki, Byron, Andy, Kevin Unfortunately the toilet broke, but there was still beer so the party did not stop! Yeaah!